Sunday, July 5, 2009

My Security Blanket(s)

My sister and her family picked Brian and I up from the airport a week ago. I had been missing her so much, even though we both texted, called, and emailed the entire time I was away. We were in constant communication, but there was something about being gone that made my heart hurt.

A few days after being home I figured out what was making me hurt. I didn't have one of my oldest and most reliable security blankets with me on my trip. I figured out that my sister is my security net! I feel safe, warm, calm, and level headed when I know that she is near. My heart and mind are at ease when I know that if I really, really needed my sister all I'd have to do is pick up the phone and tell her to come be with me. And within 30 minutes of that phone call she'd be there.

It makes me feel at ease to know that she's only a phone call and 30 minutes away. I am comforted by the fact that she'd drop anything and she'd be with me. Now this isn't something that I test from time to time, because I'm not that sister who cries wolf. But I know it to be true because we both have done it for each other in the past.

Kimberly is just one of my security blankets. I also feel most calm when Brian is home with me. When we cook together and relax, I feel like I could take on anything. He is truly my rock, my other half, my soul mate. He calms me down, and excites me. He makes me laugh, and takes care of me when I cry. Brian is my slow and steady. He is my newest security blanket.

When my sister got out of her van to help us with our luggage I dropped my bags and ran to her arms. I squealed with delight and had tears in my eyes when I was in her embrace. Coming home felt so good. And I once again felt secure.