Thursday, July 16, 2009

Turns out...

I constantly learn things about myself. It's strange to say that considering I am me, and I should know who I am better than anyone else, right?! But it's true, it seems that nearly every day I learn something about myself.

Over the last couple of weeks I have learned two new things. Turns out that I A.) am a cheerleader and B.) enjoy walking.

A. I've played softball and volleyball for about as long as I can remember. I've never been exceptional at these two sports, but I've always enjoyed playing. I always give it my best, and my all.

But it turns out that I, Lisa Elizabeth McIntyre, am a CHEERLEADER!!! I LOVE cheering people on! I love the encouragement, the positive words, and the excitement. I love giving people I love the extra verbal boost they need.

I love making signs for people when they are competing in races. I love wearing feather boas and being excited. I love cheering!

B. Holy smokes, I hate running. It's exhausting, and sweaty, and nasty. But holy smokes, I LOVE walking! It's exhaustingly refreshing! It's an accomplished sweaty-ness! And it's a nasty addiction! I've only been power walking for about a week now, but I'm in love.

I especially love walking during the day. I love getting out of my stuffy office to get some sun on my face. I love breathing in the fresh air. I love cranking up the tunes and forgetting about my cube for a while. It's awesome!

I like learning about myself. And it turns out, I'm liking myself more and more as I get to know myself better.


  1. This made me smile. I love this! :)

    Turns're freakin' awesome.

  2. are freaking awesome! ~oh, and I would *LOVE* to see you in a cheerleader outfit :)

  3. You are the *best* cheerleader I've ever met! Honestly, I know you came to the race to cheer for your sister, but you had so much cheer in you, that I was able to steal some for myself! You ARE freaking awesome! :)

  4. We may spend the most time with ourselves but there are some things that we can't know until we see ourselves from the outside. Like I've always known you are a cheerleader. It's in your soul. Just like you being a great person is in your soul. Oh, and ditto on the wanting to see you in the cheerleader outfit - Halloween? Or you can just drop by any time ;)

  5. I love this post, Lisa :) You are a natural cheerleader because you just so naturally exude so much love. From the first day I met you at the Fieldhouse, I saw and felt that part of you :) Thanks babe - I am so glad that you are you!!
