Monday, February 8, 2010

Dear Self,

We need to have a chat.

I am incredibly happy that you had finally realized that your glutinous, lazy ways are not healthy. But I am NOT happy that you gave up so freaking easily. Seriously Self, seriously. What did you think would happen when you put forth a mediocre (at best) effort to work out? Did you think that you'd miraculously lose weight, even though you still ate like a queen and drank copious amounts wine? Did you think that doing 30 minutes of easy cardio 4 times a week was going to develop into a habit?

Uh, NOPE! You need to take yourself seriously. You need to truly care about that curvy, fun, lovable body of yours. You need to exercise AND eat healthy! It's not rocket-science here babe, it's simple. Do the things that are good for you, eat the things that are good for you.

Lizard or no lizard... you need to get healthy. I love you. I want you to be around for a long time. Self, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Love always,

1 comment:

  1. Me is one smart cookie.
    BTW Self, the rest of us love you too. XXOO
